Professional Mink Trapping Methods

$ 7.95 USD


Mink & Musktrat Trapping

$ 5.95 USD


Hawbaker's Supreme

$ 6.95 USD


Red & Grey Foxes "How to Trap Them"

$ 5.95 USD


Raccoon Trapping

$ 5.95 USD


Trapping North American Furbearers

$ 12.00 USD


Fisher Trapping Book

$ 14.95 USD

This book is a top seller, must read.  


Cable Restraint Book

$ 19.95 USD

This is a must read for anyone wanting to learn about cable restraints.

Perfect Sets by Rich Faler

$ 19.95 USD

This 128 page book is a must have which covers from bedding, blending and weatherproofing your trap. There are full color photos in this book.

The Master Trapper Course

$ 14.95 USD

This is the book you will want to read to learn from the masters like Mark Zagger, Red O’Hearn, Ron Leggett, Lesel Reuwsaat, Ed Schneider, and many others! This book has lots of tips and techniques in this 96 full color book.

Trail Cameras for Furbearers

$ 19.95 USD

A new way to collect information and understanding of how furbearers act. “The intent of this book is to show how to use trail cameras easily and effectively for furbearers. These are the methods and experiences I’ve had with trail cameras. I trust this book will be an asset to your efforts.” — Rich Faler 128 pages